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Showing posts from 2014

Cemburunya Aku Matinya Begitu (5.0)

Kelmarin aku ke Mekah lagi. Rasa rindu kepada Arwah Isteri secara automatik menggerakkan hati aku untuk menghadiahkan umrahku kali ini buatnya lagi. Alhamdulillah… Syukurku padaMu Duhai Tuhan Sekalian Alam yang tidak lokek menjemputku bertandang lagi ke RumahMu Baitullah Yang Mulia dalam ihram Umrah Cinta. Thank you ALLAH… Buat Ummi Aishah, moga ALLAH sampaikan umrah ini buat mu dengan secantik RahmatNya.  Aku (Penulis) dah lama terpikir nak tulis kisah kematian Isteriku tanggal 1 April 2004… tapi sesudah genap 10 tahun berlalu tak juga aku tulis cerita ini walaupun di kelapangan yang Allah berikan, sempat aku coretkan empat (4) kisah kematian dalam Siri “Cemburunya Aku Matinya Begitu”. [Kesemua 4 entry “Cemburunya Aku Matinya Begitu” dikongsi di laman web: ].  Di kesempatan Umrah kali ini, seperti biasa aku selesaikan tahlul setelah Tawaf & Sa’ie diikuti dengan niat nak tulis cerita ni bila balik ke rumah nanti. Kenapa sekarang? Biarl...

Wrong Promo...???

Many of us couldn't see exactly how others look at things from their respective views... literally and technically speaking. The intricacy of such problemation may starts as intriguing. Intensity of one wanting to persuade others to see the way he/she sees can turn intrigue into deceit, if one's intention is slanted towards who is better AGAINST each other. The Ultimate TRUTH remains AlQuran & Sunnah. All Imams of the 4 major schools of thought uphold similar principle when it comes to referring back to the source of TRUTH. These sources coherently focus on WHAT is RIGHT for the Ummat. An important foundation in Islam regarding responsibility as a Muslim is "امر بالمعروف و نهى عن المنكر Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Munkar " or "Enjoining what is Right Forbidding what is Wrong". There are 2 kinds of actions required within the said phrase; (1) Enjoining what is Right, (2) Forbidding what is Wrong. Islam is a complete religion with abundance of goodn...

Democratically RACIAL or Socially RADICAL?

Note: This article intends to openly scrutinize the PSEUDO STUPIDITY of so-called MUSLIM Socialist particularly in Malaysia. If it happens to make more sense than that, ALHAMDULILLAH ;-) Here goes… Human logic is never comprehensive in creating social system. Obviously that’s far from perfection. Some have produced their own doctrines which they perceived as the ‘SOLUTION’. Marxism, Fascism, Socialism and even Democracy are amongst human brainchildren that marked milestones in the history of mankind. To date and till the end of this world, the only hypothesis we shall approve is none of the afore mentioned political ideologies suit human’s main reason of creation. As far as human intellectual is concerned, if it’s simply logical, nothing is absolute. Instinctive usually stays at 50:50 while being emotional only carries one further adrift. Realistically speaking, human civilizations rise and fall on various reasons. Nevertheless there’s a common ground we can agree upon; “A...

Cemburunya Aku Matinya Begitu (4)

Kisah Isteri Sahabat Makkah "Assalamualaikum... enta tak tau cerita isteri Ishaq meninggal ka?", tanya Ismail kepada aku. "haaaa??? isteri Ishaq? kenapa??" tanyaku semula. "Meninggal asar tadi?". Ismail adalah anak Melayu kelahiran Makkah; sahabat aku dan Ishaq. Aku memang malam tu tengah siap-siap nak ke Mekah dengan kawan-kawan dari Jeddah. Kami semua terkejut dengar berita isteri Ishaq meninggal sebab baru beberapa hari sebelumnya kami dijamu makanan siam yang lazat dimasak oleh  arwah di rumah mereka di Khansaa. Arwah masih sihat orangnya sewaktu aku dan rakan-rakan dari Malaysia datang menjenguk Ishaq dan baby baru mereka dua minggu selepas musim Haji.Walaupun baru genap 40 hari melahirkan anak kelimanya dgn Ishaq, arwah sudah cergas memasak untuk tetamu suaminya. Air tangan masakannya juga hebat. Walaupun kami tak pernah duduk bersemuka dengannya kerana budaya Arab di sini yang betul-betul membataskan percampuran, kami percaya arwah adalah se...