How many times have we come across chances to do something right in our lives but yet in the end it turns out unlike what’s expected? Do we need to initiate chances by strengthening our choices or is it adequate to just hope and wait for the right chance to swing by? Either way when it comes to map the future, nothing is absolutely certain… especially as far as time is concerned. Of course it’s easy to say, “Failing to plan is planning to fail” but reality simply speaks different lingo at times. Inasmuch we plan and execute accordingly, fate is still an undeniable overruling factor. As a normal human being, choosing things in life begins as early as we are able to think. In Islam the age of ‘Mumayyiz’ signifies a stage when kids can start to differentiate basic good and bad things. Some say it’s between the ages of 3 to 10 years old while some other scholars say 7 years old. As early as this age, Muslim kids who are able to think like a normal human being can already be given the ...
'Warung Kopi' literally means coffee stall where patrons from all walks of life converse the pettiest local talks to global issues. Sincere. Ummatic. Opinionated. Lillahi Ta'ala. That's basically the talk around here! Let's not lie to ourselves.