Off lately, it’s becoming more rampant to find people contemplating about conspiracy theory involving Freemason, Illuminati and stuffs. Comparatively before the age of information technology, this subject matter had limited avenue of diffusion. To a certain extent, some people tend to become highly fanatical in blaming all sorts of occurrences to such theory. According to claims of those talks, the Illuminati are referred back to Iblis or Lucifer and its worshipers or Luciferian. There are abundant rationales that justify the claims and theory; both in actual happenings and hearsay. Without discrediting the possibility of the theory, the relevance and truthfulness of it has yet to become proven fact as the Illuminati and Freemason themselves are seemingly keener to respond in denial by pushing the wondering thoughts even further towards uncertainties and confusion. Many aspects of life are said to be related to the Luciferian plan, which focuses on mankind abandoning Godly beliefs...
'Warung Kopi' literally means coffee stall where patrons from all walks of life converse the pettiest local talks to global issues. Sincere. Ummatic. Opinionated. Lillahi Ta'ala. That's basically the talk around here! Let's not lie to ourselves.